Full Streaming Rock the Kasbah in High Quality Video
Now you can see Rock the Kasbah in high quality with duration 100 Min and was published in 2015-10-22 and MPAA rating is 3.- Original Title : Rock the Kasbah
- Movie title in your country : Rock the Kasbah
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-10-22
- Companies of movie : Shangri-La Entertainment, QED International, Dune Films, Venture Forth,
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 100 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0.7
- Youtube ID of movie : 4PKOefvGpNE
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,RU,ES,IT,PT,EL,
- Actors of movie :Bill Murray (Richie Lanz), Zooey Deschanel (Ronnie), Bruce Willis (Bombay Brian), Kate Hudson (Merci), Taylor Kinney (Private Barnes), Danny McBride (Nick), Scott Caan (Jake), Eugenia Kuzmina (Gulla), Sarah Baker (Maureen), Leem Lubany (Salima), Avery Phillips (Dree), Megan Raich (Brittany), Jonas Khan (Nizar Khan), Arian Moayed (Riza), Fahim Fazli (Tariq Khan), Sameer Ali Khan (Azam Ghol), Beejan Land (Daoud), Husam Chadat (Nasim), Glenn Fleshler (Army Warrant Officer), Fatim Zahra El Hassani (10-year-old Afghan Girl), Hassan Bouayad (U.S. Army Soldier #1), Sebastien Collineau (U.S. Army Soldier #2), Hamdane Mohamed Habib (Afghan Police Man), Azeddine Benamara (Walrus Mustached Mercenary), Mohamed Boussalem (Militia #1), Mansour Badri (Militia #1), Kamel Kenzo (Muscle Car Driver Shir), Yassir Semlali (Boy #1), Mehdi Kachaoui (Boy #2), Oussama Kadir (Boy #3), Touami Noureddine (Afghan Star Guard), Mouhcine Malzi (Afghan Star Technician), Nour El Idrissi (Contestant #1), Moutamassik Mohamed (Ice Cream Shop Man), Hamid Najah (Mandayi Market Merchant), Mustapha Makhada (Azam's Driver Jawad), Abdellatif Chaouqi (Pashtun Rider), Souad Belamlih (Salima's Mother), Kelly Lynch (Sylvia), Benjamin Hicquel (Mercenary)
Movie synopsis of Rock the Kasbah :
Watch full Rock the Kasbah in Top Video Format with movie plot "A washed-up music producer finds one last shot at redemption with a golden-voiced young girl in Afghanistan. However, when jealousy gets the better of a disgruntled ex-boyfriend, he decides to oppose the young star with talent of his own." in top video format. Free Streaming Rock the Kasbah in High Quality Video by push of the download link.
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Director : Barry Levinson, Screenplay : Mitch Glazer, Producer : Steve Bing, Producer : Mitch Glazer, Executive Producer : Brian Grazer, Director of Photography : Sean Bobbitt, Editor : Aaron Yanes, Score Engineer : Gregory Polzak
Of course, now you can watch movie involving Rock the Kasbah entirely length and have the connect to this flick Rock the Kasbah in HD quality.
Tags: jealousy, ex-boyfriend, afghanistan, last chance, singer, redemption, music producer,
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